
FinDatEx Website & Extranet

FinDatEx (Financial Data Exchange Templates) is a joint structure established by representatives of the European Financial services sector industry with the view to coordinate, organise and carry out standardisation work to facilitate the exchange of data between stakeholders in application of European Financial markets legislation, such as MiFID II, PRIIPs and Solvency 2.

Brief summary

FinDatex’s mission is to support the development and use of standardised technical templates to facilitate the exchange of data between stakeholders in the application of European Financial market legislation.

Online collaboration

The joint FinDatEx structure was established by the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), the European Banking Federation (EBF), Insurance Europe (link), the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG), the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB) and the European Structured Investment Products Association (EUSIPA).

FinDatEx aims to allow representatives of the EU financial services sectors to :


  • Collectively decide on the need to develop or disband standards, in the form of technical templates, to facilitate the exchange of data between stakeholders in application of European Financial markets legislation


  • Coordinate and organise the standardisation work carried out by experts from the different financial services industry.


  • Help disseminate agreed technical templates to relevant EU financial services’ actors